Hawaii’s Most Haunted.

Learn about some of the most haunted places and subjects in Hawai‘i through Hawaiian legends and oral traditions, historical accounts, newspaper articles, and true personal ghost stories. Here, we have some interesting stories about some of the places we bring our guests and a few places you may not want to venture to alone.

We'll let you decide, but be forewarned: Should you choose to strike out on your own, you are your own keeper. Meaning, what we note here are facts, legends, and observations, it is not a tourist’s guidebook or study manual of where to find “supernatural” occurrences. The places mentioned here, like many places in Hawai‘i, are very much like people; some will welcome you, some will not. To venture out alone is purely at your own risk.

The Most Haunted Places and Legends in Hawai‘i.

Click on the icons to learn about a few interesting places in our island home. We are constantly adding more topics so be sure to check back often!

Haunted Hilo

One of my favorite places to relax and unwind, and share spooky stories is a quiet town on the rainy side of the Big Island. It’s a charming little town that offers museums, art galleries, shops, restaurants... and ghosts.

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maui, ghosts, night marchers, burial grounds, battle sites Mysteries of Hawaii maui, ghosts, night marchers, burial grounds, battle sites Mysteries of Hawaii

‘Īao Valley Ghosts and Night Marchers

It’s the site of the famous landmark, Kūka’emoku, also known as the ‘Iao Needle, and for hundreds of years, ali’i were laid to rest in secret caves along its steep walls. It’s also the site of the terrible battle commonly known as Kaua i Kepaniwai o ‘Iao, Battle at the Dammed Water of ‘Iao. People have reportedly seen ghosts and the legendary night marchers.

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kauai, ghosts, night marchers, Hawaiian legends Mysteries of Hawaii kauai, ghosts, night marchers, Hawaiian legends Mysteries of Hawaii

Bothersome Ghosts at Barking Sands, Kauai

When the lieutenant’s family moved into their beachfront house at Barking Sands, they knew right away that something was wrong. In a 1985 article, the wife of a Navy lieutenant commander said that she would get a strange, cold feeling sometimes when walking down the hall. It was like an air conditioner, even though she didn’t have one.

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oahu, Hawaiian legends, giant, burial grounds Mysteries of Hawaii oahu, Hawaiian legends, giant, burial grounds Mysteries of Hawaii

A Giant at Pier 12

In 1916, the front page of the Honolulu Star Bulletin featured a startling headline: “FIND OF BONES EXCITES PEOPLE ON WATERFRONT!” The discovery was made on a Wednesday afternoon near Pier 12, where workers unearthed what seemed to be a human thigh bone. But this was no ordinary bone—it measured a staggering 24 inches in length and 8 inches in diameter at its widest point.

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ghosts, obake (Japanese ghosts), oahu, urban legends Mysteries of Hawaii ghosts, obake (Japanese ghosts), oahu, urban legends Mysteries of Hawaii

The Faceless Ghost - Noppera-Bō

In Japan, the Noppera-bo is a yokai, a supernatural being that resembles a human but is marked by its eerie absence of facial features. Known for startling the living, these faceless apparitions are typically benign, though their appearance is deeply unsettling. Legends often describe the Noppera-bo as initially appearing as an ordinary person before their facial features vanish, leaving only a blank, featureless expanse where their face should be. This ghostly presence has reportedly been spotted in several places across Hawai‘i, including the Waiakea Villas in Hilo, an intermediate school in Kailua, and the Moanalua school campus. One of the most notorious sightings occurred in May 1959 at a school in Palolo, and of course, at the Waialae Drive-in.

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haunted buildings, ghosts, oahu Mysteries of Hawaii haunted buildings, ghosts, oahu Mysteries of Hawaii

Haunted Downtown Honolulu

Downtown Honolulu is a hotspot for spiritual and psychic energy. From ancient burial sites to modern office buildings, one might be hard-pressed to find one spot in the downtown area that isn’t haunted. Follow our “Hawaii’s Most Haunted” posts to learn more about hauntings in Honolulu and all around Hawaii.

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oahu, ghosts, heiau Mysteries of Hawaii oahu, ghosts, heiau Mysteries of Hawaii

Hawai‘i Kai Ghost

In 1968, in their new home in Hawaii Kai, a family described an encounter with a ghost they called “Bernard.” The house was only five years old and the neighborhood was brand new, so there weren’t any previous tenants. However, Bernard made his first appearance to the family’s 17-year-old daughter, who was a senior at Kalani High School.

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dreams, oahu Mysteries of Hawaii dreams, oahu Mysteries of Hawaii

Haunted Hau‘ula - Murder Told in a Dream

In 1901, a woman came forward to say that she dreamt of an old kahuna who died. She said that in her dream, he told her that he did not come to his death naturally. In the dream, Joe told the woman that he was hit in the back of the head by a Japanese man, and described the club that was used.

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oahu, aiea, woman in white, heiau Mysteries of Hawaii oahu, aiea, woman in white, heiau Mysteries of Hawaii

Woman in White at Keaiwa Heiau

Stories of the “Woman in White” can be heard around the world in almost every culture. Kahuna nui Emma deFries was the great-great granddaughter of Keali‘iopunui and Hewahewa, the Kahuna nui of Kamehameha I. In 1971, she shared a story with the newspaper about her grandpa’s ghostly encounter with a woman in white.

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Haunted Kasha House of Kaimuki

It is perhaps one of the most well-known urban legends of hawaii. Its story has spanned decades. Every generation, the hauntings at this place resurface and become an urban legend all over again. A 1942 article, a 1972 editorial, and a 1994 book makes one question whether the Kasha is real. Let’s check it out…

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ghosts, haunted trails, Hawaiian legends, night marchers Mysteries of Hawaii ghosts, haunted trails, Hawaiian legends, night marchers Mysteries of Hawaii

The Legendary Night Marchers

The oral traditions of the much-feared night marchers have survived countless years by being passed down from mouth to ear and then by the learned art of writing and documentation. Their stories have spread through hushed whispers during late-night storytelling around the dinner table. Their procession has been witnessed by Hawaiians and non-Hawaiians from different walks of life.

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