Book your Honolulu Ghost Tours & Experiences now.

Myths of Hawai'i and its gods and goddesses, legends of spirits and demigods, stories of mystery and hauntings... Let Lopaka show you a glimpse of his world, where the paranormal becomes the norm on Hawaii’s original Honolulu ghost tour.

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Such a remarkable mix of people in this island environment has created an abundance of unique stories from all walks of life.

The huaka‘i po, or Night Marchers, Pele the volcano goddess, Kaupe the dogman, ‘Aikanaka the cannibal chief, Noperra bo, the faceless woman, the calling spirits of Makapu‘u, the lady in white of Nu‘uanu… these are just some of the stories you’ll get a chance to hear as Master Storyteller, Lopaka Kapanui, weaves tales of the past and present throughout our haunted Hawai‘i tours and storytelling.