Hawaii’s Most Haunted.

Learn about some of the most haunted places and subjects in Hawai‘i through Hawaiian legends and oral traditions, historical accounts, newspaper articles, and true personal ghost stories. Here, we have some interesting stories about some of the places we bring our guests and a few places you may not want to venture to alone.

We'll let you decide, but be forewarned: Should you choose to strike out on your own, you are your own keeper. Meaning, what we note here are facts, legends, and observations, it is not a tourist’s guidebook or study manual of where to find “supernatural” occurrences. The places mentioned here, like many places in Hawai‘i, are very much like people; some will welcome you, some will not. To venture out alone is purely at your own risk.

The Most Haunted Places and Legends in Hawai‘i.

Click on the icons to learn about a few interesting places in our island home. We are constantly adding more topics so be sure to check back often!

Haunted Hilo

One of my favorite places to relax and unwind, and share spooky stories is a quiet town on the rainy side of the Big Island. It’s a charming little town that offers museums, art galleries, shops, restaurants... and ghosts.

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Haunted Downtown Honolulu

Downtown Honolulu is a hotspot for spiritual and psychic energy. From ancient burial sites to modern office buildings, one might be hard-pressed to find one spot in the downtown area that isn’t haunted. Follow our “Hawaii’s Most Haunted” posts to learn more about hauntings in Honolulu and all around Hawaii.

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Diabolical Obsession at St. Stephen’s Seminary

Seminarians have long talked of attacks by levitating pencils, of doors that would stick on one side but not the other, of pats that rattled without cause. Even laypeople who work at the religious institution talk of feeling a presence, hearing a voice, having something press against them. “It was real,” Ferraro said, “Told and corroborated by prominent men in the Roman Catholic Church.”

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Downtown Honolulu - Haunted Loku

Ghosts are said to congregate in these places every evening from seven o’clock until midnight for a form of entertainment, including the legendary night marchers. Several people who happen to work in these locations today say that their buildings are indeed haunted. While most of Downtown Honolulu closes by 6 or 7pm, nights they have to work late are especially creepy.

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Ghost of Postal Worker Haunts Downtown Post Office

This building was at first just called, “the Federal building” as it housed the US Post Office, Customhouse and Courthouse. Today, its official name is the King David Kalakaua building. Most of us just refer to it as “the downtown post office.”Postal workers today still say the building is haunted. By the ghost of the old postal worker, Benedict Westkaemper... and so much more...

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The Haleko Shops Ghost in Lihue

Haleko Road in Lihue is barely more than half a mile and is a quick shortcut from Rice Street to the Kukui Grove area. Many locals just called it “the mill road” because at the bottom of the gulch used to be the old Lihue Sugar Mill. There’s even an old graveyard down there. People will tell you that the road is haunted and some even refuse to travel that curvy stretch of road at night.

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Ghost of Queen Emma Haunts St. Andrew’s Priory

Some would hear the grand piano playing well after midnight and, on many occasions, lights would turn on & off, strange noises were heard, tools would disappear and then reappear elsewhere, the contents of handbags were switched or dumped on the ground. All of these were attributed to ghostly hands. It's said that Royal ghostly appearances are still accepted as a fact of priory life and tradition.

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heiau, haunted buildings, oahu, burial grounds, haunted hotels Mysteries of Hawaii heiau, haunted buildings, oahu, burial grounds, haunted hotels Mysteries of Hawaii

Haunted Royal Hawaiian Center, Helumoa

In 1898, a group of Japanese workers was leveling off some mounds in the coconut grove called Helumoa. As they were returning from their break, a gale rattled the foliage of the tall palms like castanets. The workmen retreated from the falling trees when, flung high into the air by the catapultic motion of the roots was a mass of human bones - entire skulls, femurs, vertebrae, ribs, everything.

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