Hawaii’s Most Haunted.
Learn about some of the most haunted places and subjects in Hawai‘i through Hawaiian legends and oral traditions, historical accounts, newspaper articles, and true personal ghost stories. Here, we have some interesting stories about some of the places we bring our guests and a few places you may not want to venture to alone.
We'll let you decide, but be forewarned: Should you choose to strike out on your own, you are your own keeper. Meaning, what we note here are facts, legends, and observations, it is not a tourist’s guidebook or study manual of where to find “supernatural” occurrences. The places mentioned here, like many places in Hawai‘i, are very much like people; some will welcome you, some will not. To venture out alone is purely at your own risk.
The Most Haunted Places and Legends in Hawai‘i.
Click on the icons to learn about a few interesting places in our island home. We are constantly adding more topics so be sure to check back often!
Menehune and Mo‘o at Ha‘ena
There are dozens of Hawaiian legends about Kauai’s North Shore. Here, we share stories of menehune and mo’o at Ha’ena.
Night Marchers, Menehune, and Ghosts at Haunted Nu‘uanu Pali
There have been numerous deaths at the Pali Lookout and its surroundings. This area has a long and violent history. It’s not just one thing that haunts this place, it’s many.
Diabolical Obsession at St. Stephen’s Seminary
Seminarians have long talked of attacks by levitating pencils, of doors that would stick on one side but not the other, of pats that rattled without cause. Even laypeople who work at the religious institution talk of feeling a presence, hearing a voice, having something press against them. “It was real,” Ferraro said, “Told and corroborated by prominent men in the Roman Catholic Church.”
A Ghost at the Menehune Fishpond
In Niumalu, there is dam built across a large bend in the Hule’ia River. It is a nine hundred yard long dirt levee faced with stone. It is said that the rocks used for the facing came from Wahiawa, near Hanapepe, and were passed hand over hand by the Menehune. As two young men found out, it's best not to do things you know you're not supposed to (like shooting paintballs) in places like this.